In the interesting of promoting and maintaining a constructive environment on this board I have to stress the following regulations which should be taken into account before posting..
* No warez (links to pirated software/music and the like)
* No porn
* No Advertising
* No spamming
* No style bashing (MY STYLE IS THE BEST/BETTER THAN YOURS!!! [no, shut up])
* Personal attacks on members and staff will not be tolerated
* No forum wars (If somebody insults or upsets you on youtube, or any other website – it’s YOUR problem. It is not allowed for members to post links along the lines of ‘this guy sucks’ and requesting other members take up their fight.)
* Sig & Avatar Limitations
Avatars: 80 x 80 pixels and less then 100kb.
Profile Photo (cover): 936 x 180 pixels and less then 100kb
Graphic Signature: 400 x 125 pixels and less then 100kb. (TAKE NOTE) Signature is manualy added just contact us
Text Signature: Don’t write a book please.
Threads and posts that break these rules will be edited or deleted as the staff see fit.
Anti-Discrimination Policy
This policy explains the kind of behavior we prohibit to make sure we all have a positive experience. You cannot discriminate based upon:
National origin
Gender identity
Sexual orientation
Any other characteristic protected under applicable law
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